Ridgid Tools 22163


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SKU: NSKU1001 Category: Tags: ,
  • SeekTech Receivers with their large display give you the information you need when you need it to locate more with greater certainty
  • Target Line †Guides the operator down the line and shows changes in direction
  • Left-Right Guidance Arrows †Points the operator to the target utility
  • Proximity Signal and Signal Strength â€Helps the operator center the locator closer to the target for more confident locates
  • Continuous Depth †Increase productivity by showing depth changes in real time
  • Omni-Seek †Increase accuracy and efficiency when searching in passive mode
  • Continuously searches passive power and radio bands to locate and avoid unknown metallic lines
  • User Defined Frequencies †RIDGID SeekTech receivers can be configured with up to 30 user defined frequencies
  • Can trace any frequency from 10 Hz to 490,000 Hz.
  • Can trace energized lines and sondes(beacons) simultaneously
  • Has all the ease of use and accuracy of the SR-20 but with ALL locatable frequencies

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Ridgid Tools 22163


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